Welcome to Hove Cat Sitters!
Brighton & Hove Cat Sitting
We offer cat feeding and sitting services in and around Brighton and Hove. We will make sure that while you’re away, your cats stay just as happy, well fed and cared for as if you were still there.
If your cats are anything like ours, they prefer to stay at home when you go away. Catteries just don’t offer the home comforts your cats are used to and there’s no bed like your own bed! Whether you’re gone for a night or a fortnight, we’ll be there and we can text you every day to let you know how they are doing.
To find out more about our cat sitting & feeding services call Sally today on 07932 061256, check Our Service page, Get In Touch using our simple on-line contact form or email us at info@hovecatsitters.co.uk.
Cat Sitting & Feeding
We usually start our morning visits at 7.30am every day, our lunchtime visits at midday and our evening visits at around 5pm. We try to establish a routine that we will keep to throughout the time you are away which helps your cats adjust to us so they quickly feel comfortable.
We can visit once or twice a day, or more if you wish and we can clean litter trays, draw curtains, switch lights on and off, water plants, feed fish and anything else you need us to do, all included for £10.00 per visit!
To find out more, call Sally today on 07932 061256, check Our Service page for full details of how we can help, Get In Touch using our simple on-line contact form or email us at info@hovecatsitters.co.uk.
Our Cat Sitting Service
Our service is straight forward and affordable.
As well as feeding we give your cats cuddles and attention to make sure they are happy and not missing you too much!
We charge £10.00 per visit and that includes everything except parking. We try to cycle to every visit but if we need to drive and pay for parking, we’ll add this on to the cost.
We’ll visit once or twice a day, as you require and we can clean litter trays, pull blinds, draw curtains, switch lights on and off, water plants and feed fish, all included! If there is anything else you need us to do, let us know.